I've created a Neovim theme Solarized Osaka🏯

Hey, what's up? It's Takuya here. Recently, I've created a Neovim theme for myself called Solarized Osaka. As the name says, it's one of the Solarized-inspired themes for Neovim written in Lua. Here is what it looks like:

🎨 Supporting all major plugins with more colors
Ethan Schoonover originally created the Solarized color scheme in 2011, featuring a set of 16 colors. However, this assortment of colors falls short in providing adequate variations for additional signs, alerts, tooltips, and various other UI components made available by recent Neovim plugins. Furthermore, the text colors in the original theme are somewhat too dark when displayed on modern, vibrant monitors.
Solarized Osaka improves upon this by introducing additional colors, enriching the overall theme to ensure compatibility with newer plugins and enhancing visibility on contemporary monitors. The theme brightens the base colors slightly, creating a visually appealing and functional color palette.
Here is what the improved color palette looks like:

A Figma design is available here.
📦 Installation
Install the theme with your preferred package manager, such as folke/lazy.nvim:
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {},
The GitHub repository:
🎬 New video coming soon

I've finished filming another tutorial on my latest Neovim setup, where I also introduce Solarized Osaka. Stay tuned!