Never give up – It took 2 years to rebuild my mobile app

Never give up – It took 2 years to rebuild my mobile app

Hey, what's up? Spring is approaching!

This week, I've finished implementing all the existing features of the mobile app for Inkdrop. Build 22 is now available in beta. Let me talk about it.

  • ✨ What's new on the mobile app (build 22)
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§ Fixed platform-dependent issues
  • πŸ₯³ Finished implementing all the existing features!
  • ✍️ Created my handwritten signature

✨ What's new in build 22

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts can occur when multiple devices make changes to the same note. When a conflict is detected, the note gets a warning badge on the note list:

Conflict badge on the note list

The 'Conflicted' button appears on the editor: